Are you visiting Lisbon for the first time, or returning this month? We have a selection of exciting things to do in Lisbon in March. This is our first blogpost about all the things you can do in Lisbon, March Edition
Things to do in Lisbon
1. For Music lovers – Vinyl Fair of Lisbon
Our first obvious choice goes to the 9th edition of the Vinyl Fair of Lisbon. It happens this next weekend. Actually, it starts… tomorrow March 10th. So if you are in Lisbon right now, love music, and are interested in vinyl this is an opportunity not to be missed. The Fair takes place within the Santa Clara Market and runs from the 10th to March 12th.
The best day to visit the Fair is Saturday because you not only visit the market, but also the Flea Market of Lisbon that takes place every Saturday and Tuesday in the surrounding area. Also in the area, you will find the Panteão Nacional, a 16th-century church that took centuries to be built and when finally it was concluded it was no longer a church. It houses the National Patheon where several Portuguese personalities are buried.
- What: Feira de Vinil (Lisbon Vinyl Fair)
- When: 10 March (from 2 pm to 8 pm), 11 March (from 9 am to 8 pm), and 12 March (from 10 am to 6 pm)
- Where: Santa Clara Market Campo de Santa Clara, 1100-472 Lisboa
- How to get there: The best way is to take the subway (Metro) blue line (Linha Azul), all the way to the end station – Santa Apolónia. From Santa Apolónia take a 10-minute walk to the market (look out for the large white dome of Panteão Nacional, the market is not very far)
- Entrance Fee: Free of charge

2. For History lovers – Exhibition Miniature City (Cidade-miniatura)
The exhibition takes place in the city museum (Museu de Lisboa) and runs up until September, so you can take your time to visit this unique vision of the city of Lisbon. Luís de Carvalho (1862-1933) was a fireman who spent 26 years modeling a miniature of Lisbon and it was never finished.
The model shows a recognizable city, but nevertheless no longer in existence since the city has changed throughout the following years. You can try to see which of the buildings are no longer in existence. It shows a part of the city you might know – the surrounding area of the Castle, the Mouraria, and Downtown (Baixa).
Not to be missed is the other model of the city, which was designed in the 1950s and shows Lisbon as it was before the Earthquake. This is part of the permanent Museum collection which you can also visit in order to give an overview of the development of Lisbon.
- What: Exhibition Miniature City
- When: up until September 3rd 2023
- Where: Museu da Cidade (City Museum) Campo Grande, 245 1700-091 Lisboa
- How to get there: Take the subway (Metro) green (linha verde) or yellow line (Linha Amarela) to Campo Grande.
- Entrance Fee: 3€ Museum and exhibition

3. For Seniors and kids – Oceanario de Lisboa
The Oceanarium of Lisbon is worth a visit anytime, but during March people over 65 have a special fee: only 7 € (the usual price is 17€)! Tickets must be bought through the site in order to get the discount.
Inaugurated during the World Exhibition of 1998, the Oceanario houses a large aquarium holding 5 million liters of water and shows the different terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the Earth’s oceans.
The Oceanarium is located in Parque das Nações (Park of Nations or the former Expo98 area). Take your time to stroll around, follow the path alongside the river Tejo (Tagus) and enjoy the view and the Vasco da Gama Bridge.
- What: Oceanario de Lisboa
- When: Every day from 10 am to 8 pm. Special prize for seniors during March and April 2023
- Where: Parque das Nações, Doca dos Olivais
- How to get there: Take the subway (Metro) red line (linha vermelha) to Oriente. Bus (from Praça do Comércio) 728
- Entrance Fee: During March and until April 30 2023 Price for those over 65 is 7,00€ (The regular Price is 17 €). Adults between 13-64 pay 22€. Children between 3 and 12 pay 15€.

The days are getting longer, the weather getting warmer, so something you should not miss in Lisbon is just walk near by the river early morning or at the end of the day and enjoy the atmosphere and the sunset.

To learn more about Lisbon and all the things to see, book a tour with us! You will not regret it!